2023 World Emerging Security Forum


Advancing Global Cooperation in Response to Security Threats
in Cyberspace and New Technologies

Today, emerging security threats ranging from cyber threats and new technologies to climate change are rapidly on the rise. Raising awareness and strengthening international cooperation to address such threats has never been more important.

Given the multifaceted nature of emerging security threats, mobilizing the expertise and capabilities of all relevant actors – including governments, private sector, international and regional organizations, and academia – is critical.

In this context, the Republic of Korea launched the World Emerging Security Forum (WESF) in 2021 to promote a shared understanding of today’s changing international security environment, and shape global discussions on ways to effectively tackle emerging security threats. By bringing together a wide array of stakeholders, WESF aims to promote neutral and balanced discussions that anchor on collective interests.

This year, building on the discussions of previous years, WESF seeks to delve deeper into the impact of threats on the international security environment, with an emphasis on cyber threats and artificial intelligence (AI), and possible ways to address them.